Register as a new patient

Important: Notice

Please note that we only accept new patients who live in our published boundary (see map below)

Check you are within the practice's catchment area:

Each GP practice has a defined area within which they will accept new patients. 

To join the practice as a new patient your address must be inside the area marked in blue on the map (our inner boundary)


To register you must complete a GMS1 Form and our New Patient Registration Form, these can be downloaded and printed from the website or if you require a paper copy of registration forms, please call in to the Surgery or phone us and we can post these out to you.

Care home registration questionnaire's are different and are available to collect from the surgery.

We will ask you to also provide:

  • Proof of photographic ID (e.g. passport or driving licence [you may be asked for two forms of ID)
  • Proof of Address (e.g. utility bill or bank/credit card statement from the last four months, current tenancy agreement, government agency letter, higher education letter or a letter from a recognised employer).

Registering a child who is under 16 years of age

When registering a child who is under 16 years of age, a separate New Patient Registration form will be provided to you.

**Parents will be required to bring in a copy of the child’s birth certificate when registering, and proof of address if online access is requested for patients aged 12 and under**

For new baby registrations, you are welcome to complete a GMS1 form (please ensure that you provide an NHS number on the completed form). Please pop into the Practice or download the GMS1 form here

Returning your form

When the form is completed please remember to sign it and either post it to the surgery address or deliver it yourself.

Please make sure that all the personal details are filled in clearly - including the details of your previous GP surgery  - as this makes it much easier to identify you on the national system

Important: NHS 111

NHS 111 can direct you to the best place if you think you need medical help right now – you can call 111 or use NHS 111 online.

Additional support

Below are links to additional NHS support for groups of people who might find it difficult to access GP services.

Please note that these links open documents in a PDF format.